Friday, April 10, 2009

Egg Head

Samantha got her first ear infection. It was pretty terrible: high fever, irritability, poor sleeping, etc. Even worse, though, was the medicine she was given to cure her of this infection: amoxicillan (sp). My god, she HATED it. And we had to give it to her for 10 freakin' days. And it was pepto-bismal pink and got on everything in her vicinity since she pretty much spit it out or gagged on it the first 6 times we tried to give it to her.

She seemed cured until she got another fever and started pulling on her ears again. When I brought her into the doctor for her 2-week check in, the infection was still there, and, even worse: in BOTH ears now. More (and stronger) anti-biotics...but at least she's learned how to take the medicine now (actually I've learned how to give it to her) and this time it's white.

Turns out that the propensity for ear infection is due to the shape of the baby's head and is hereditary, which absolutely SUUUUCKS, since my husband had about 3 million ear infections as a child (and even had to have tubes put in his ears) and he and Samantha have the exact same shape head.

So here is to the first of many, many ear infections. *sigh*

Happy Easter.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

76 Trombones

So I've decided the reason I don't blog anymore is I don't have the time. Composing a decent blog entry isn't something that just happens, but seeing as though I have about 2.5 minutes in which I have nothing to do all day, I've decided to just wing it and write what's on my mind. Don't expect anything well-written, for anything to come full circle, or for there to be a moral of story (or a point for that matter), cuz it ain't gonna happen. I'm just gonna write shit down that happens, moreso for me than for any reader, so that I can remember what it was like to be the mother of a 9 month old (or 12 month old, or 15 month old...or however long I can keep this up).

When Samantha sleeps, I'm always wary of the sounds that abound in our condo, mostly from our upstairs neighbor, but also from the phone or doorbell or outside. Well, NO MORE! I've found that if my baby is tired, she will sleep no matter what. What taught me this lesson? SHE FELL ASLEEP WHILE A MARCHING BAND WAS PASSING US BY NOT 5 FEET IN FRONT OF OUR FACES! Trombones, cymbals, and everything! Babies, I swear!!!